..Toronto United
Mennonite Church

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1774 Queen St. East
Toronto, Ontario
M4L 1G7

Lead Pastor:
Marilyn Zehr

Pastors of Youth Ministry

Jonathan Slater

Maureen Louth

416 699-6631

TUMC, which formally organized in 1948 among members of mainly "Russian Mennonite" origin, is now a multicultural congregation that draws people from across the Greater Toronto area.

It aspires to be a family of faith that welcomes people with diverse backgrounds and stories, worshipping together and supporting one another, while following Christ's example in working for peace and justice in a post-modern, urban context.

TUMC shares its multi-use building with two partners, the Mennonite New Life Centre of Toronto and the Toronto New Life Mennonite Church. Local ministries the congregation supports include St. Clair O'Connor Community, the Lazarus Rising homeless ministry, the Ten Thousand Villages Festival Sale, and assistance to refugees.

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