2006 |
十月十四日 晚上六時正 ,本堂舉行主題是 “ 跨越文化的信仰” 培靈會,教會鼓勵弟兄姊妹踴躍參加,詳情請聯絡覃開信弟 兄 , 講員: 王占臣傳道。
Wideman Mennonite Church 於十月十五日慶祝一百九十週年紀念, 早上10:30 感恩祟拜, 晚上7:30 詩歌欣賞歡迎各位參加,詳情可聯絡巫傳道。
July 16 - Concering Day - The semi-annual all-congregation meeting will be held after Sunday Worship.
June 18 - Joint Sunday Worship - We will have a joint Sunday Worship with the Hagerman Church in Willowgrove Park. Please prepare pot luck for the lunch so that we can all enjoy a picnic under the summer sun!
June 3 - "Worship Duty" Workshop "崇拜事奉須知" 專題講座 - Rev. Winfred Soong will host a workshop about how to serve properly in Sunday Worship. We welcome anyone with duties in Sunday Worship to participate in this workshop, in order to understand why and how to serve. Time 7:30 pm. May 27 - Church Cleaning Day - This year we will have all 3 congregations (MCMC, Hagerman and Tamil) to clean up the church together! It is a prefect time to get rid of the junks and get ready for the summer. Of course, it is a good time to go outdoors and meet new people from the other congregations. Time: 10 am - 2 pm. May 14 - Family Worship - We will have the Family Fellowship in charge of the Sunday Worship. Also, there will be a Children Dedication event. |
2005September 24 - Garage Sale and Fun Day - Hagerman Church and MCMC joined together to have a garage sale and fun day. We goal is to raise fund for refugee sponsorship program and 2006 summer camp. Also, there was a BBQ lunch and a mini concert. Thanks God we have raised more than $560 for both churches. September 11 - MCMC 15th Anniversary - On September 10, we have held a Revival Meeting at the church, also we have dinner together and a video presentation. On the next day, we have over 100+ people in Sunday worship to witness Mandy's baptism and membership transfer ceremony. June 19 - MCMC and Hagerman Outdoor Worship - MCMC and HMC have a joined outdoor worship at Willowgrove today. MCMC also held its first outdoor baptism. Thanks God that Philip was baptized and Chaun Man transferred to MCMC on this special day. |